Utku Ali Rıza Alpaydın
Places and Territories
RUNIN research:
Utku will examine the role of different dimensions of proximities in university-industry collaborations from the perspective of firms.
Host institution
University of Stavanger
Secondment institution
Aalborg Universitet
Supervisory team
Journal articles
Alpaydın, Utku Ali Rıza (2019). Exploring the spatial reach of co-publication partnerships of multinational enterprises: to what extent does geographical proximity matter?
Regional Studies, Regional Science, 6:1, 281-298.
Keywords: university–industry collaboration, co-publication, geographical proximity, multinational enterprises
DOI: 10.1080/21681376.2019.1583601
Working papers
RUNIN WP 05/2018 Utku Ali Rıza Alpaydın, Kwadwo Atta-Owusu, Saeed Moghadam-Saman
The Role of Universities in Innovation and Regional Development: The Case of Rogaland Region
Keywords: Role of universities, Regional development, Innovation, Rogaland, University of Stavanger.
DOI: 10.3990/4.2535-5686.2018.05
Contact details
M.A. and B.Sc. in International Relations from Bilkent University, Turkey and Middle East Technical University, Turkey respectively.
Professional experience as a senior expert on regional development and planning, project cycle management, international cooperation at Silkroad Development Agency, Turkey.