Professor Magnus Klofsten
Roles in the RUNIN project:
PhD Supervisor | Supervisory Board memberInstitution
Linköping University
Magnus Klofsten is a professor and founding director of Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) at Linköping University, Sweden. His research is oriented towards the early growth and development of technology-based firms, financing young ventures and university-industry relations. Magnus is a pioneer in teaching and training entrepreneurship. He launched his first entrepreneurship course in 1993, and today he is managing a CDIO-oriented entrepreneurship courses that annually attracts over 200 technology and civil engineer students. His PhD course: “Entrepreneurship in Theory & Practice” has since it was launched attracted over 150 graduate students. His entrepreneurship-training programme has resulted in more than 500 businesses spinning-out from the academy and many of those are today multimillion Euro businesses. Klofsten is as acting research leader at the Helix Competence Centre and member of Agora Link Centre for researcher mobility and commercialization of life science technologies. He has published extensively in scientific journals such as Small Business Economics, Journal of Small Business Management, International Small Business Journal, Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, Technovation, R&D Management, Journal of Technology Transfer, Science and Public Policy, Regional Studies and European Planning Studies.