Sofya Kopelyan
Practices and Governance
RUNIN research:
Sofya explores how strategic university governance can facilitate the implementation of the regional mission in the situation of the ‘mission stretch’.
Host institution
University of Twente
Secondment institution
Linköpings universitet
Aalborg Universitet
Working papers
RUNIN WP 10/2018 Sofya Kopelyan
Academic ‘boundary work’ in a regionally engaged university
Keywords: Regional engagement; mission stretch; boundary work; academic work; academic identity; role identity.
DOI: 10.3990/4.2535-5686.2018.10
RUNIN WP 02/2018 Sofya Kopelyan & Lisa Nieth
Regional Mission Impossible? The Twente Region and the University of Twente
Keywords: Regional mission, Twente Region, University of Twente.
DOI: 10.3990/4.2535-5686.2018.02
Contact details
Sofya is a graduate of the Erasmus Mundus Master course in Research and Innovation in Higher Education (MaRIHE). She holds a MSc degree in Administrative Sciences awarded jointly by the University of Tampere (Finland) and Danube University Krems (Austria). In her Master’s thesis, she utilized the theoretical perspective of institutional logics to explore how academics from social sciences make sense of their societal engagement and of its influence on the more conventional dimensions of academic work. Before entering the Master’s program, Sofya had been employed as lecturer and academic administrator at the Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies of the Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow (Russia).