The RUNIN Coordinator is the University of Stavanger, located on the South West Coast of Norway with 12,000 students and 1,600 faculty, administration and service staff.
Academic life at the University of Stavanger is organised into six faculties, comprising a total of 14 departments/schools and two National Research Centres. Many of the externally financed research activities are performed in cooperation with the university’s research institute IRIS (International Research Institute of Stavanger). Several other research centres are organised as consortiums of the University of Stavanger, IRIS and other actors.
Overall project management will be provided by the University of Stavanger and led by the project leader, Professor Rune Dahl Fitjar at the Centre for Innovation Research. He is assisted by a project coordinator, Kristoffer W. Moldekleiv, who is in charge of the day-to-day project administration. The project coordinator acts as a Single Point of Contact for the network, the PhD research fellows and for the European Commission.
The project coordinator is supported by University of Stavanger’s central EU R&D unit which has experience from the participation in over 20 FP7 and more recently several Horizon 2020 projects, three of which are Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. The unit includes two EU grant officers, a dedicated financial adviser who will be in charge of the financial reporting, and a legal adviser who will ensure the project complies with the regulations outlined by the Grant Agreement.
Coordinator team
Role of the Coordinator
- Monitor implementation of the action
- Act as intermediary for all communication between consortium and the European Commission
- Request and review any document or information required by the European Commission
- Submit deliverables and reports to the European Commission